Friday, September 24, 2010

Book Orders Are Due October 1st

It always helps to have books that your children are interested in available to them at home.  I am so excited about their reading!  If you would like to place an order but don't want to do it online, I will still take the checks.  Online is just easier for me.  If you need our access code send me an email.  Thanks for being so supportive.  I am excited to see everyone next week at parent teacher conferences.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reading Reminders

-  Poem Books will go home on Fridays and need to be returned on Mondays  (Please enjoy these poems with your child!)

-  I will begin sending books home on Monday!  You will keep reading these with your child for the week, and return the bag of books the following Monday morning.

Hooray for reading!!!  Keep encouraging your child to read at home!